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press release
Someya's article on E-skin was published as a cover story for the September issue of IEEE Spectrum.
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IEEE Spectrum
BBC "CLICK" @ 1st April, 2017

News and Topics

2025/02/04 Prof. Someya was awarded the 4th Tai Morishita Memorial Award.

Termo Link (Japanese) RIKEN Link (Japanese)

2024/11/01 Takuto Tachibana (B4) received the Outstanding Paper Presentation Award at the Young Investigator Workshop 2024, hosted by the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering. The workshop took place on November 30, 2024, at Tsukuba University.

Link article URL

2024/11/19 Prof. Someya has been selected as Clarivate Highly Sited Researcher 2024.


2024/11/01 Dr.Kento Yamagishi has been honored with the "Innovators Under 35 Japan 2024" award. Link article URL

2024/10/30 We are seeking candidates to apply for a JSPS fellowship with our group as the host. Please submit your CV by November 15 to: someya-sec@ee.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp This call applies to the 2nd Recruitment for the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Short-term Program). Visit the JSPS website to for full details.
Overview|Short-term Program|Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan|Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Note: This offer may close early if a suitable candidate is selected. JSPS Website
2024/06/10 Prof. Takao Someya speaks at the G1 Summit 2024 (Hiroshi Suzuki x Hiroaki Miyata x moderator Shoko Takahashi). GLOBIS article URL   YouTube   X (formerly Twitter)

2024/06/03 Prof. Takao Someya won the 65th Fujihara Award. Press release   Yomiuri Shimbun article
2024/05/09 Prof. Someya appears on UTOPIA: 43 interviews.

Interview video   Post on X (formerly Twitter)   Website of The UTOPIA Center

2024/03/22 Prof. Ryota Fukuzawa won the 45th JSAP Young Scientist Award. "Quantitative capacitance measurements in frequency modulation electrostatic force microscopy"


2024/03/21 Chika Okuda(M2)won the 2023 Excellent Master's Theses Award. "Fabrication of organic transistors on ultrathin elastomeric films and improvement of its mechanical stability"
2024/03/15 Prof. Tomoyuki Yokota won the Marubun Academic Award. "Development of ultra-flexible organic semiconductor sensor systems such as on-skin image sensors"
2023/09/13 Professor Someya talks about the frontline of university start-ups in his podcast.(Second part) Spotify Apple Podcast

2023/09/05 Professor Someya talks about the frontline of university start-ups in his podcast. Spotify Apple Podcast

2023/8/4 An editorial authored by Professor Someya, 'The Role of Universities towards an Innovation Creating Society', has been published in Chemistry and Industry , the member magazine of the Chemical Society of Japan.Press release

2023/06/05 A Panel session at the G1 Summit featuring Professor Someya has been uploaded on YouTube. (The session is in Japanese)Press release

2022/11/21 Prof. James C. Sturm, Princeton University, to give a special lecture on 'Microfluidics vs Cancer'. See flyer for Details

2022/11/16 Prof. Someya has been selected as Clarivate Highly Sited Researcher 2022.Press release

2022/7/1 Prof Someya appears on an online science programme (2022/7/1 at 20:00) - Kaoru Sakata's SCIENCE NEWS #12 (presented by #8bitNews). Press release

2022/6/15 The Flexible Medical IT 31st Study Group is held online on 2022/6/15 . Press release

2022/4/20 The kick-off symposium of the 'Innovative Flexible Imager Social Collaboration Chair' between the University of Tokyo and Japan Display is held on on 2022/4/20 in a hybrid format at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, Fukutake Hall. Press release


Watch last year's CNN Business Evolved interview edited and available on CNN's YouTube channel. Press release


The Flexible Medical IT 30th Study Group is held online on 2022/3/14. Press release


The JST ACCEL 'Development of Super Bioimagers' symposium is held online on 2021/12/16. Press release


Professor Someya was selected for Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers for 2021. Press release


Professor Someya’s comments appeared on Nature's Technology Feature."Electronic skin: from flexibility to a sense of touch"Press release


Md Osman Goni Nayeem was selected the Best Presenter in S.SM03: Flexible, Stretchable Biointegrated Materials, Devices and Related Mechanics at the 2020 MRS Virtual Spring/Fall Meeting & Exhibit.


Professor Someya give a lecture at Open Lecture at the 119th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Dermatological Association Special Invited Symposium: Expansion of technology and changes in society and medicine during social crisis (continuing towards the future)Press release


Someya Thin Film Device Laboratory is seeking a Research Scientist

Deadline : 2020/4/21. press release


Professor Someya and Associate Professor Tomoyuki Yokota were selected for Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers for 2019. press release


Masaya Nishinaka won Outstanding Paper Award at 2019 ICFPE.

2019/9/13 Yi-Lin Wu won 2019 Excellent Doctor's Theses Award."Highly sensitive organic image sensor with diode-stacked pixels"

Professor Someya won the 89th Hattori Hoko Award.

2019/8/23 Professor Someya won the 16th Leo Esaki Prize.press release

Dr. Tomoyuki Yokota is now promoted to Associate Professor.

2019/4/16 Dr. Sunghoon Lee is now promoted to Project Assistant Professor.

Publication in Nature Biotechnology (Perspective): "Toward a new generation of smart skins"

press release
2019/1/1 "Ultra-soft electronics to monitor dynamically pulsing cardiomyocytes" was published in Nature Nanotechnology. linkUTokyo Website

Professor Someya was selected for Highly Cited Researchers 2018 by Clarivate Analytics. 90 researchers on the list are from Japan, and 18 are from the University of Tokyo.

press release
2018/12/14 Naoji Matsuhisa (2017 Alumna, current visiting scholar at Stanford University) won 2018 Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists.
2018/12/16 Professor Someya gave a Keynote Speech at MIT Media Lab@Tokyo 2018 Being Artistic and Analytic. press release
2018/10/30 Professor Someya's speech at World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting of the New Champions is now up. video
2018/2/18 "Skin Display" was presented at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas.
press release for more information video

Roda Nur won CEMS Rising Star Award at CEMSupra2018.
"Engineering Higher Sensitivity in Capacitive-Type Strain Sensors using Buckled Ultra-Thin Gold Films"