第34回研究会「フレキシブルデバイス・センサーへ求められる機能や性能、期待について -ユーザーの立場から-」、「 Elastomer-Based Printed Electronics Devices for Continuous Health Monitoring」の2件の講演

◆主催:一般財団法人 総合研究奨励会 フレキシブル医療IT研究会

13:00~13:05 開会のあいさつ

染谷 隆夫  (研究会主査、東京大学大学院工学系研究科 教授)

13:05~14:05 「フレキシブルデバイス・センサーへ求められる機能や性能、期待について -ユーザーの立場から-」

森 由美 (成城大学データサイエンス教育研究センター 特任教授、横浜国立大学大学院工学研究院 非常勤教員)


14:05~15:05 「Elastomer-Based Printed Electronics Devices for Continuous Health Monitoring 」

Peter Zalar (Program Manager – Emerging Sensor Technologies at Holst Centre / TNO)

Holst Centre is an applied research institute that has been focused for nearly two decades on the development of flexible and thin electronic systems using industrially relevant fabrication methods. Our goal is to make technological contributions towards the industrialization of printed electronics systems so that future visions can become a reality. The promise of implementing electronics into an ever increasing spectrum of form factors necessitates the development of systems that simultaneously bear the qualities of accuracy, conformability, ruggedness, and light weight. This is demanded in applications ranging from healthcare, automotive, and robotics. In these cases, traditional electronics based on rigid printed circuit boards (PCBs) are largely unsuitable. Especially in wearable electronics, devices in contact with the body must be comfortable while yielding important physiological data. To satisfy this need, wearables built upon elastomeric substrates are a possible solution. In this presentation, I will discuss Holst Centre’s contributions towards the development of wearable sensor systems on elastomeric carriers, including a large-area sensing mat, flexible ultrasound patch, and a heart monitoring patch.


2023年3月16日(木) 13:00~




